Generic Viagra: The Choice of Millions

Viagra is undeniably a great choice for erectile dysfunction cure, but there are currently doubts why men should take this pill instead of other drugs and supplements instead. The main reason for this doubt is the price of the Viagra. Provided, the Viagra pills are not expensive but they are not exactly affordable as well. People on a tight budget may have a hard time purchasing Viagra due to its price. There are ways to get real Viagra for much cheaper price — such as buying the pills online — although these measures are not always sufficient to make the pills really affordable for the masses. One of the popular alternatives is herbal Viagra. Herbal Viagra is not in any way related to the product by Pfizer. It only uses the name “herbal Viagra” because it promotes the same effects — it makes penile erection possible for impotent men. Some say herbal Viagra has other advantages over the branded drug. According to some testimonials, herbal Viagra increases the sensitivity of the penis during sexual intercourse, making the act more intense and pleasurable. Others claim herbal Viagra has body-cleansing attributes, flushing out toxins and other bad chemicals from the body. However, the main criticism against herbal Viagra is that it is not monitored by the Food and Drug Authority. This means there is no guarantee that a certain herbal Viagra is safe. To be sure, there are safe herbal Viagra products in the market. For new buyers, however, it could be a risky hit or miss.

The other popular alternative to the branded erectile dysfunction drugs is generic Viagra. Again, generic Viagra is in no way related to the pill developed by Pfizer. Generic Viagra is merely a drug that is bioequivalent to its popular namesake; except it is not patented by Pfizer. This means generic Viagra is made of Sildenafil citrate (the generic name of Viagra), meaning it has the same effects, side effects, and dosage and restrictions. It is technically the same medicine without the Pfizer brand — it is equally as effective as Viagra without being equally expensive.

Many doubt generic Viagra because of its price. However, it is cheap not because of its substandard results when taken. Pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer devote time and money on medicine research and development. When they discover a component that has certain medicinal value, the company patents it and develops it into a drug to be sold in the market. Viagra is an example of this; it took Pfizer years to develop the drug. Because it was the company who spent millions on the research, they put the cost on the consumers through the sale of the drug. This means the buyer is not only paying for the manufacturing cost of the medicine like Viagra; the buyer is also in a way paying for the research of the drug.

This is why Viagra is considered to be effective alternative to Viagra — and rightfully so. Why would and should anyone but an expensive product when there is a product with the same effect for a cheaper price in the market? This make generic Viagra the clear choice for millions of men worldwide.